
Author David Grimm

Microwave Mentality

Microwave Mentality

We all think we want the instant microwave success effect. Waiting for a microwave has even become too long of a process nowadays. Instantly we can achieve success through various electronic portals of gratification. Even risk in business has been reduced greatly due to instant customer bases on social media platforms.

What’s the result? We don’t value hard work anymore. In my discovery, anything that’s worthwhile requires hard work and time. Gone are the days of “crockpot” values, where perseverance is required to create something worthwhile. Why are we so unsatisfied even in the days of instant success opportunities? I believe it’s because we didn’t put forth the effort, the wait, and the strategy of perseverance in order to appreciate what’s been given to us.

Getting Hungry

When someone goes a week without a meal, they know the value of the next meal that comes. Sometimes it means life or death. Likewise, when someone works hard through lonely days, making no paycheck, sacrificing time with family, and risking their livelihood to make a dream or business a reality, that person knows the value when success comes. They appreciate it more and don’t take it for granted.

I understand the value of perseverance and not giving up, especially when life gets difficult. This has been the story of my life for anything that I have or have ever achieved. Nothing has ever come easy and for that, I am so thankful. I know what I have and I will hold onto it dearly and appreciate it even when things get difficult.

Why? Because perseverance brings rewards. If you’re not willing to forge ahead in the difficult times and work hard to be successful right where you’re planted, then success and the enjoyment of it will always be out of your reach. You may even achieve a semblance of what the world tells us “success” looks like, but the enjoyment of it will be in vain because the character will not be there to sustain it.

Work hard, grow where you’re planted, don’t run at the sign of adversity, and repeat…

“For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” – Hebrews 10:36

Author David Grimm

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